
Jul 01, 2023

Fasting can be a unique way to grow your heart for generosity. Bridgetown Church did a great series on fasting.

According to Bridgetown Church, there are three main purposes of fasting:

  1. Starve the flesh and feed the spirit: “Fasting is an ancient discipline to break the power of the flesh–our desires, sins, and cravings–and to feed on the Holy Spirit.”

  2. Prayer: “In fasting, the great hunger of the heart and mind for answered prayer permeates the body itself.”

  3. Solidarity with the poor: “We must train our hearts in compassion that unites us with our brothers and sisters around the world.”

Prior to watching the series from Bridgetown Church, I never had a great understanding of fasting and only really thought of it as a form of prayer. I’d encourage you to read the overviews and watch the sermons that are linked. Fasting is a powerful, yet overlooked, practice that can grow your heart for generosity.

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